Datometry Announces General Availability of OpenDB v2

Industry-first drop-in replacement for Oracle available on AWS Marketplace

SAN FRANCISCO – (February 22, 2024) - Datometry, the pioneer in  database virtualization, announced today the general availability of OpenDB v2.0 via AWS Marketplace. OpenDB sets new standards by combining Datometry’s award-winning Hyper-Q platform with PostgreSQL v16.x to provide customers with the industry’s only drop-in replacement for Oracle databases. 

IT departments are struggling to fulfill mandates to reduce infrastructure costs. In particular, reducing expenses by moving away from Oracle databases is central to most CFOs’ cost-cutting initiatives. However, replacing expensive Oracle with cost-effective PostgreSQL databases entails significant switching costs. 

In addition to the high switching cost, the considerable failure rate of database migration projects further deters enterprise leaders. Per analyst consensus, conventional approaches, including those using AI, code converters, or compatibility extensions for PostgreSQL, fail at a staggering rate of 80%. 

OpenDB is the first Oracle-compatible database. With OpenDB v2, Datometry makes an enhanced version available, including additional feature support and customer feedback facilities. By replacing Oracle with OpenDB, enterprises can expect to save an estimated 79% of licensing fees yet get the same processing power and functionality. 

For complete migrations, the economics are even more impressive. The switching cost for moving workloads from Oracle to PostgreSQL the conventional way is about ten times the annual Oracle license fee. An enterprise spending $1m with Oracle a year should expect a total expense of $10m over several years to replace Oracle. With Datometry, they can reduce this cost by at least 75%. 

“We’re excited to make the latest version of OpenDB available on AWS,” said Mike Waas, CEO of Datometry. “What our customers appreciate most is that Datometry eliminates the need for elaborate change management processes. No matter how insignificant or automated these changes are, difficulties in managing these changes across a large enterprise are what sinks conventional migrations. OpenDB v2 gives IT leaders a true alternative to the conventional approach.” 

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Kristin Diodonet